Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Youtube and Crazy July

Ok I realized I have been obsessed with pointless vids lately...It's kind of getting out of control, so I thought I would blog for a change. I think that blogging is becoming more popular among my friends, its like a new trend....like feather accessories. Anyway, getting on to the main focas of this post. Youtube.

Youtube is a comforting place when you have nothing else to do. You can hang with your video friends and comment on what they say. But it is pointless. Why should I care so much about these Youtubers? Why do I constantly have to refresh my page to find out if there is any new vids? Why? I don't quite know at the moment, but it is getting a little on my nerves. I think I should make a pact with this post. I will not watch another Youtube video until Wednesday; so basically, until tomorrow. (Hey that is at least 14 hours of no Youtube)

Well besides Youtube, I have been getting ready for my missions trip to Belize. I don't know what I am going to do there, I don't know where we are going, and I don't know what it is going to be like, but I am excited. Excited to meet the Belizean people, excited to make a difference in peoples lives, excited to have more of a connection with God.This missions trip is the start of my crazy July schedule. I have this from the 9th-15th, then my Entrepreneurship and Drawing competition in Cali from the 19th to the 21st, then my Family Reunion from the 22nd to the 24th and finally, from the 25th till the end of the month, I have  BUSINESS CAMP! This is, hopefully, going to be a fun month where I can make memories that last me a long time. My Senior year is almost starting....I got to make this summer last.


Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Start of Something Great

Ahh...it has been a long time since I have blogged. I think it has been like, humm, six months now? I am not quite sure, but I know it was during the tiring days of AP Composition. Looking back now that class did me a lot of good. I improved on my essay writing, I know I can challenge myself acedemically, and I was introduced to the magical world of blogging. OK, it is not so magical but it is place where I can vent and tell whats going on in my life.

I don't quite know what the theme of this blog will be, but I am pretty sure this is going to be "I am bored so why not post something" blog. Should be fun. If you, whoever you are, want to join me on this road of randomness go right ahead. I welcome you. I can't promise grammatical perfection or intreging stories but it will be something realitively cool. And if you have read this far I commend you for your willingness to stay with me. Well, let's see how this goes!
